Walker Road: 610-995-0151 |  Wayne Ave: 610-744-2700

Walker: 610-995-0151 |  Wayne: 610-744-2700


Our curriculum covers content areas such as Science, Math, Language & Literacy, Social Studies, Art, and Music & Movement. Through the use of interest areas, the children explore the different content areas while having fun.

Examples of the use of different interest areas:

Block Interest Area

We use the block interest area to develop social skills by building together as a team, discussing what we are creating. We also practice math skills by counting how many blocks we may need for a particular structure.

Dramatic Play Area

We use the dramatic play area to work on social and cognitive skills by negotiating roles, acting out parts, and using our imagination.

Sand & Water

The sand & water area uses props, such as measuring cups, spoons, sifters, and shovels, which encourages scientific exploration. By making careful observations, measuring, and classifying, we enhance our math skills.