Your child’s health and safety is our number one priority so we continue to follow CDC guidelines and recommendations.
CDC guidelines and recommendations include the following:
The use of face coverings (masks or face shields) by all staff and visitors is required.
The use of face coverings/masks is required for all children 2 and up unless there is a medical condition which does not allow for wearing a mask or face covering all day.
Facilities Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting and Ventilation
All eating surfaces such as tables and trays are sanitized before and after meals.
All toys are sanitized (with bleach and water solution) and left to dry after a child is done playing with that toy. This sanitizing will happen continually throughout the day
All high-touch surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected with bleach water solution throughout the day.
Every morning open windows to let in some fresh air and air out the classroom. Weather permitting windows should be left open as much as possible.
Social Distancing and Other Safety Protocols
To the maximum extent feasible we will limit cross group interactions
We are restricting the use of common areas at this time such as our multi-purpose room
Handwashing practices will remain the same which is upon arrival, before and after meals, after toileting, before and after sensory play, after outside play
Playground equipment will be sprayed with a sanitizing solution after each classroom use.
Staggering bathroom times so that the restrooms are not crowded.
Monitoring Children and Staff
Children and staff will be monitored throughout the day for symptoms
If a child or staff member becomes sick with Covid 19 or feels they’ve been exposed they will be asked to quarantine or isolate for 14 days and they must be fever free and symptom free for 48 hours before returning to school.
If a child or staff member becomes sick with Covid 19 the Department of Health as well as the Department of Human Services, families and staff will be notified
If a child or staff member becomes sick with Covid 19 that particular classroom will be shut down for a 2 week period and everyone in contact with that child should self -isolate.
Other Considerations
If a staff member or child were to travel out of state director will be notified before travel so that a determination can be made as to whether or not self- isolation or testing is required before returning to our program.
If you have been in close proximity to someone who has tested positive, please follow CDC guidelines and self- isolate so that you are not putting others at risk.
Drop offs and pick ups will continue to be outside or in the lobby where we will continue to do temperature checks and health checks before child is brought into the building.
Children and staff will be monitored throughout the day for symptoms.
If child or staff member is exposed to Covid they will be asked to quarantine for 14 days
If a child or staff member becomes ill with Covid or test positive for Covid they will be asked to isolate for 10 days and that particular classroom will be shut down for 2 weeks if children or staff were exposed.
If a staff member or child travel out of state they must notify director before travel to make a determination as to whether or not quarantine or test is required before returning to our program.